Materials you will need
For this course you will need:
- Sheets of watercolour paper – at least 140lb Not/Cold pressed surface. Please use good quality paper, as it will repay you thrice over.
- Watercolour paint - a good basic selection of a warm and cool primaries (yellow, red, blue), plus Burnt Sienna or Burnt Umber. I prefer and use tube colour, but if you have pans, that is not a problem. I encourage you to swap colours around, so if you do not have the colours I am using that is no problem and will make the painting more individual
- A large round brush 16 and a medium round size 8/10, a rigger size 2, a small flat brush is good for lifting colour and correcting mistakes
- Salt, cling film/Sarin wrap if required
- scrap paper for planning, old paintings to use the backs of....
- Hairdryer (to aid drying)
- Two pots of water
- Pencil and eraser
- Water spray bottle, kitchen towel
- print outs of reference material supplied
- Enthusiasm and the desire to learn!