Ink resist / gouache wash off
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What is ink resist all about?
Course introduction
Materials required for this course
The Ridgeway final project
Gouache washoff technique introduction
Having a go
Your first project - a simple rainbow
Materials required for the rainbow
The final rainbow image
The Ridgeway - planning
Ridgeway planning
The Ridgeway path reference
Materials required for The Ridgeway
Ridgeway: starting to paint
Ridgeway - starting to paint
Painting in progress
Ridgeway: finishing the painting
Ridgeway - finish painting
The gouache layer finished
Ridgeway: Inking
Ridgeway - inking
Ridgeway: washing off the ink
Ridgeway - wash off
Ridgeway: Touching up the revealed image
Ridgeway - touching up the revealed image
Before touching up
Final painting
The Ridgeway series
Ridgeway: washing off the ink
Ridgeway: washing off the ink
Ink resist / gouache wash off
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Learn more
What is ink resist all about?
Course introduction
Materials required for this course
The Ridgeway final project
Gouache washoff technique introduction
Having a go
Your first project - a simple rainbow
Materials required for the rainbow
The final rainbow image
The Ridgeway - planning
Ridgeway planning
The Ridgeway path reference
Materials required for The Ridgeway
Ridgeway: starting to paint
Ridgeway - starting to paint
Painting in progress
Ridgeway: finishing the painting
Ridgeway - finish painting
The gouache layer finished
Ridgeway: Inking
Ridgeway - inking
Ridgeway: washing off the ink
Ridgeway - wash off
Ridgeway: Touching up the revealed image
Ridgeway - touching up the revealed image
Before touching up
Final painting
The Ridgeway series
This is the big reveal! By running water over our painting we wash away the gouache and take the ink with it to show our image.So exciting!
2 Lessons
Ridgeway - wash off